Joanna Galli

Joanna Galli
Joanna was born, raised, and still lives in Mount Kisco, NY with her family and Golden Retriever. She comes from a large Italian family, and it’s important to her to instill those old-school values and traditions into her life. Her main job and joy in life is being a SAH mom and dog mom, but she is also a Realtor®, has a nutrition and wellness certification, and loves to write. In 2011, she started a lifestyle brand called Healthy Italian. The brand highlights her Italian culture and how to live a healthy lifestyle based on its principles. She hopes to be a published author one day. When she can sneak in some time for herself, she prioritizes her health and wellness. Spending time with her family and friends over a glass of wine and good food is her favorite pastime. She truly believes the simple things in life feed the soul.  
A Golden Retriever.

Life Lessons From Dogs

I have a small sign in my kitchen, “Dogs may not be our whole life, but they make our lives whole.” Dogs are angels sent to teach us how to live and love better. And...
A jealous woman glaring at another woman on her phone.

Toxic Women

An unfortunate yet common experience many women have as we lead our lives or accomplish certain goals is dealing with women who, instead of supporting us, act petty or compete with us. Some women...
A woman laying in bed after surgery.

Mom Recovery: How To Prep So You Can Heal

Healing from surgery is difficult for anyone. But it can be a bit more challenging when a mother of young children is going through this. I recently had surgery, and I had to prepare...
Women walking for exercise.

The Power of Walking

At the start of the New Year, most people seek ways to get healthier. There are a lot of fad diets marketed, as well as quick-fix workouts. But walking is one tried and true way...
A woman taking a selfie for a social media post.

Not Always as It Seems

What we present online isn’t always as it seems. Those friends of yours who appear to have the perfect body, marriage, children, job, and lifestyle most likely do not. Realize that you are only...
A mom and daughter making muscles.

Children and Body Image

All parents want their kids to grow up as happy and healthy as possible. Especially when it comes to the way they see and treat themselves; however, sometimes a parent doesn’t realize that by...
A woman holding a resume for a job interview.

Best Mom Jobs: Family-Friendly Careers

Going back to work full-time or even part-time as a current stay-at-home-mom can be a daunting and challenging feat. Let’s be honest, on top of taking care of the children and the household, the...
A woman raising her hands in the air in happiness.

Be Limitless

Having children, a dog, and a home to take care of shouldn’t limit who you are as a woman. Be limitless.  I didn’t notice it right after I got married. I was still independent, working...
A woman working on Pilates equipment.

How Pilates with Taisha Changed My Feelings About Fitness

Over the last couple of years, I’ve had a love/hate relationship with fitness. I joined a gym and canceled my membership. I paid for an exercise app and canceled my subscription. I tried free...
mediterranean diet

Healthy Italian: An Intro to the Mediterranean Diet

I am very interested in sharing my Italian culture and how to lead a healthy lifestyle based on its principles. I decided to get a nutrition certification to further my knowledge about health. The...