School’s Out for Summer


Kids running out of a school building.School’s out for the summer! The end of the school year is upon us. And whether it’s making you feel joy, sadness, stress, relief, or a combination of all of the above, we got through the last ten months and can now look forward to the lazy days of summer. 

Maybe this year was your child’s first year of elementary school (like my son), or perhaps it was their senior year of high school. Or, like my daughter, maybe this was the year you started to see things slowly go back to a somewhat “normal,” whatever that is. Her last “normal” full school year was in kindergarten.

Whatever the case, let’s celebrate all the kids and parents for making it through the school year and onto summer vacation. 

This is the time for spontaneous trips to the beach or an amusement park. This is the time for late nights spent outdoors, for sleeping in late, or having ice cream for breakfast – why not? Not to get too sentimental, but they say you have 18 summers with your kids before they become adults and perhaps go off to college.

So soak up the fun, the silly, and the crazy and try to enjoy the ride.  

Our family likes to make a summer bucket list each year and check things off as we go. Now, we don’t always get to do everything on the list, but it gives us something to look forward to the following year. Don’t worry about the “summer slide;” instead, be in the moment and focus on these carefree days with your family. After all, school’s out, and it’s time to enjoy your summer!