Towers Crumbling, Hearts Breaking


september 11Towers crumbling, hearts breaking.

One moment in time, within one day.

One life lived, and one life lost, amongst thousands.

One day, within one calendar year, etched on my soul.

On September 11, 2001, a friend lost on the 93rd floor of the North Tower.

Lost within the smoke-filled room, windows gazing out towards the Hudson and our Mother of Freedom.

Lost within the amber-filled halls, fire blazing.

Lost within the fear, friends crying, co-workers reaching out to loved ones.

Lost, still fighting, then silence amongst the screams.

Towers crumbling, hearts breaking.

Mighty towers, standing strong, slowly collapse, as hearts collapse synchronously.

Iconic towers stand no more, hearts pumping to find safety, screeching, screaming, running, staring in shock, men and women risking lives rushing in to save them all, even one. Can you find our one?

Towers crumbling, hearts breaking.

Women, men, old and young bound together trying to escape. Banning together, holding on, praying their simple prayers to the one they cherish, while seeking to be reunited with the genial sun and indigo sky on the outside.

One moment, within one day, thousands lost their lives, their beating hearts moving onward. Life changed.

Bustling streets coming to a halt, the usual hustle replaced with tear-filled eyes in despair watching, as a scene from a movie unfolding in front of them, moving bodies covered in ash and debris maneuvering through the streets to get home to loved ones, while the site of heroes rushing in to save lives, women and men, young and old fills up the human spirit amid the anger and sadness.

Towers crumbling, hearts breaking.

A shattered heart awaits in her apartment, TV on, morning coffee now cold. Life stopped at 8:46 a.m. Her love, her life, now crumbling, while clinging desperately to one word, within this one moment, within this one day. Hope.

Hope for finding survivors, flyers quickly made, posted all over our eerily quiet city, reaching out for any sign of life, in and out of every hospital pursuing good news but leaving deflated, yet again, and again and again, exiting each hospital. The words echoing, no survivors admitted.

Towers crumbling, hearts breaking.

Moments defined now by this one moment, within this one day, but life moves forward. Slowly at times, grasping the new reality.

The reality of a dear friend and loved one missing, not with us any longer to enjoy all of the changes life has brought upon us.

Always feeling a loss but finding comfort in the breathtaking memories that connect us all to this one man, who blessed us with many moments, amongst many days during his one beautiful life.

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Ali Flynn
Ali lives in New York with her four teenage daughters and her husband. After moving around a bit as a child, she spent her teen years in Westchester county, moved to NYC for college and returned to Westchester fifteen years ago. Prior to having the girls, she was an English teacher, and on the side always enjoyed writing with the hope to one day publish a poetry book. In her free time, Ali enjoys going on long runs, browsing independent bookstores, catching up with friends. She is in a constant state of doing laundry, cooking, policing arguments, driving to and from activities, and trying her best to be the kind of mom her girls will admire, even on her worst days. Ali is excited to share with you the joys and hardships of motherhood with an open heart. You can follow Ali on Facebook at and on Instagram at