Some Days My Heart Aches


A woman cooking with her teen.My heart aches each time I receive an eye roll.

My heart aches each time I am misunderstood and I hear clomping feet up the stairs.

My heart aches when we have unkind words with one another because you get your stubbornness from me.

My heart aches each time you are annoyed with me for asking too many questions or doing the dreaded thing of all time… parent!

My heart aches when you don’t want to accept my hug.

My heart aches when you don’t want to hang out and would rather be alone.

My heart aches when we go through a funk of not seeing eye to eye.

My heart will continue to ache if I need our relationship to always be on track and perfect.

So this heart of mine needs to embrace that it’s okay to ache.

Our relationship is not damaged or unstable just because there is an ache. It is built on good and bad times. Times that ebb and flow throughout the day.

It’s okay to offer some grace to the hard days. The hard days provide strength and the power to ride the wave and get back to the shore of stability.

The rough patch offers us the opportunity to grow apart briefly and then reunite feeling the internal bond that will always connect us.

The connection is complicated and tumultuous but with the complications, a greater understanding may emerge, and give us the gift of grace. A grace to adore each other on the days we ache all the while knowing the ache is temporary.

We are too strong together for the ache to be anything but temporary. I can once again muster up the courage to embrace the ache and move forward, knowing that you, my daughter, will often cause my heart to melt and ache all within a few short minutes of time.

Now can someone please let me know how long the ache lasts? I’m not sure this heart of mine can take much more.

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Ali Flynn
Ali lives in New York with her four teenage daughters and her husband. After moving around a bit as a child, she spent her teen years in Westchester county, moved to NYC for college and returned to Westchester fifteen years ago. Prior to having the girls, she was an English teacher, and on the side always enjoyed writing with the hope to one day publish a poetry book. In her free time, Ali enjoys going on long runs, browsing independent bookstores, catching up with friends. She is in a constant state of doing laundry, cooking, policing arguments, driving to and from activities, and trying her best to be the kind of mom her girls will admire, even on her worst days. Ali is excited to share with you the joys and hardships of motherhood with an open heart. You can follow Ali on Facebook at and on Instagram at